Certified Naturally Grown

As you know we work VERY diligently to keep our growing practices in line with USDA Organic guidelines. This is not always easy but knowing we provide the community with clean, healthy produce makes the struggle worth it! We follow many forums that help us grow without the use of harmful chemicals. We are so thankful for these resources. It is through these forums that we found the Certified Naturally Grown community. It was like we found our home. Their mission and goals lined up 100% with ours! We began a certification process with them and we are happy to report that as of March 31st 2020 Bain Home Gardens is Certified Naturally Grown! Your can view our profile on here on the CNG website. This certification includes our flowers as well. What does this mean for you? Accountability! CNG holds its members to strict guidelines. Synthetic pesticides, herbicides and GMO’s are prohibited. Even seeds must be sourced with care. Although this has been our practice, certification is further poof. You know what you are eating is naturally grown! You can find a copy of our certification below.

Bain Home Gardens CNG Certificate