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When the Bee Stings

If you have ever been stung by a bee, wasp, or hornet, you know the pain associated with these occurrences is not fun! In fact, once stung, a sort of PTSD sets in and anytime the buzz of a flying insect is heard – YOU RUN! Did you know that somewhere around 3.3% of the population is very allergic to bee & wasp stings? In fact, 40-100 people die yearly from anaphylaxis.  Anaphylaxis is defined as an acute allergic reaction to an antigen such as a bee sting. I find myself in the aforementioned 3.3% which is why gardening can prove to be a bit of a challenge. Every gardener wants bees right? We plant flowers to draw them, allow veggies to go to seed for them, and avoid using chemicals that would harm them – all to PLEASE THE BEES! Bees & wasps have come to be frenemies of mine.  While I adore observing them hard at work in the mornings and evenings, pollinating the veggies, I do try to keep my distance.  The last time I was stung I had what I felt to be a severe reaction but in actuality it was a mild anaphylactic reaction. I was warned that if there were a next time, things could possibly be worse, fatal even. Due to a heart condition, the EpiPen that so many others carry, is not an option for me so I must be extremely cautious! Saturday, even with all of my cautious care, while picking tomatoes, I was stung! It was scary! 20180715_202454 I knew the wasps loved that area but in a rush to beat the rain, I became careless. I can’t say that I saw my life flash before my eyes or anything but there were certain steps that I knew I needed to implement immediately to decrease chances of a severe reaction.  Here is what I did:


Although I am a nurse by trade, I advise anyone to talk to your medical professional before trying any of the above remedies.  These things happened to work for me.  48 hours later I have some stiffness in my joints, especially the effected area, as well as some residual itching however, things are improving nicely – all without a visit to the ER.

What do you do for insect bites? Do any of your remedies involve produce from your garden? Follow on Facebook or follow us on Instagram and share your remedies and stories.

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